I carry my home and community inside me as memories. Those before me live in the marrow of my bones which will beget those who come after. My skin and dreams tell me stories and help me remember. My first memory is of a story, as all memories will become.
By exploring embodied storytelling through the externalization of experience, memory and trauma, my work investigates the liminal, fluid identities that I occupy. Operating in photographic and time-based media, I disrupt the absolutist violence cameras have perpetuated as tools which fabricate “truths” and serve as authorities of memory to uphold dominant historical narratives. I incorporate found imagery by mining public and familial archives and embrace images layered with process marks, either remnants of literal chemistry or digital tools. Performative and constructed images are employed to heal trauma through re-memory.
Framing my process as a multi-modal storytelling, my work questions and subverts myriad dominant narratives, archives and their structures, opening possibilities for multivocal, layered, and often embodied knowledge ways while engaging in the critique of singular notions of finite truth. My process engages performative retellings of past personal and community experiences by borrowing appropriated cellphone and news footage along with mining personal and global internet archives of imagery. My work problematizes notions of home and identity as I works through personal and cultural hi/stories and explore the liminal space I occupy in my intersectional identities. My use of lens-based media engages the problematic history of these tools as weapons of both oppression and resistance. My personal praxis is grounded in post-humanist theory and informed by decolonial theory, Indigenous knowledge ways, and traumatic healing through creative acts, ceremony, and storytelling.